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Marshall McLuhan

Department of Theory and History of Art

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Department of Theory and History of Art


In contrast to the other three Departments of the Faculty of Arts, the Department of Theory and History of Art does not offer its own study program. Instead, the Department’s main role is to provide students of the Faculty with a comprehensive survey of the theory and history of art in the form of a synthesizing art-historical overview of fine arts from the Stone Age to the modern day.

In addition to its teaching activities, the Department of Theory and History of Art is also deeply involved in research along the lines of the professional interests of its academic staff. This primarily takes the natural form of publications but also includes other significant activities such as the curation of contemporary fine arts and participation in a variety of boards and juries of art competitions both in Slovakia and further afield. These efforts are also focused within the Faculty itself, with the results being showcased in the regularly published FUTUNOW yearbook in which a selection of the best student work of that year is presented and the work itself displayed in its associated exhibition.

One specific research activity in which members of the Department are directly involved is the field of research into historic monuments. The specific authorization of members of the Department grants the Faculty the right to carry out archaeological research and one member of the academic staff of the Department also performs research in the field of architectural history.


Teaching Staff and Employees of the Department:

Head of Department:
Mgr. Peter Tajkov, PhD.

Associate professor:
doc. Ing. arch. Adriana Priatková, PhD.

Senior Lecturers:
Dr. Ing. arch. Ján Krcho, CSc.
Mgr. Štefánia Ďuricová, M.A.
Mgr. Gabriela Garlatyová, PhD.
Mgr. Štefan Haško, PhD.
Mgr. Zuzana Labudová, PhD.
Mgr. Rastislav Rusnák, PhD. 

Department secretary:
Katarína Priatková

Technical and administrative support:
Arpád Balogh



Technická univerzita v Košiciach
Fakulta umení
Katedra teórie a dejín umenia
Watsonova 1561/4
042 00 Košice


Head of Department
Mgr. Peter Tajkov,PhD.
Katarína Priatková