Visual Communication Design Studio
2018The works of students of Visual Communication Design Studio at Department of Design at FU TUKE (show more)
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Naše skúsenosti sú ďalej, ako naše chápanie. Áno, je to zážitok, nie pochopenie, čo ovplyvňuje skúsenosť a správanie sa.
Marshall McLuhan
The works of students of Visual Communication Design Studio at Department of Design at FU TUKE (show more)
The works of students of Innovation Design Studio at Department of Design at FU TUKE (show more)
The works of students of Space Design Studio at Department of Design at FU TUKE (show more)
The works of students of Industrial Design Studio at Department of Design at FU TUKE (show more)
The works of students of Foundations of Design Studio at Department of Design at FU TUKE (show more)