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Naše skúsenosti sú ďalej, ako naše chápanie. Áno, je to zážitok, nie pochopenie, čo ovplyvňuje skúsenosť a správanie sa.

Marshall McLuhan

University Science Park (UVP) TECHNICOM

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University Science Park (UVP) TECHNICOM


The mission of UVP TECHNICOM at TUKE is to create an ecosystem of acceleration of technological transfer, innovation and business support, to create space for support of applied research and development, to ensure the transfer of research and development results into economic and social practice and to support the establishment and development of new companies.

The Faculty of Arts TUKE, through its expert team led by doc. Ing. Ján Kanócz, Mgr. art. Ing. Richard Kitta, ArtD. and Ing. arch. Štefan Zahatňanský, is currently involved in the preparation of the Science Adventure Center project called Cassovium, which is based on UVP Technicom.