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Marshall McLuhan

Department of Fine Art and Intermedia

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Department of Fine Art and Intermedia


The department is the guarantor of the study program Free Fine Art. Teaching in this program leads to the free development of the individual creativity of students in a wide range orf artistic forms, from the application of traditonal techniques (the study of the human body and anatomy) to the most cutting-edge means of expression in fine art (art objects, installations, performance art, etc.)


Main Studios of the Department of Fine Art and Intermedia

  • Studio of Graphics and Experimental Art  
  • Studio of Contemporary Painting 
  • Studio of 3D Creativity
  • Studio of New media 


  • Studio of Graphics and Experimental Art

The Studio of Graphics and Intermedia Production was led by prof. Rudolf Sikora, currently head of the studio is Professor Peter Rónai. The original program of the Studio was modernized and updated in response to the cultural and artistic requirements of the modern information age. We seem to have left the modernist paradigm behind us, and the general direction of art in our postmodern world requires a comprehensive approach, with a greater emphasis on preserving specific traditions and redefining national cultures. At the beginning of the pedagogical process, the studio emphasizes the practical mastery of traditional forms of visual art - basic graphic techniques and drawing. The development of creativity and individual art projects are the second pillar of the studio and the result is that after successful completion of the course, students master the language of contemporary art at a professional level.

Students and graduates of the studio have won many awards - such as the Oskar Čepan 2015 Award, the Student of the Year 2015 Award, the Crystal Wing Award nomination and they also take part in various exhibitions of national significance such as the KEBBAB Biennial at the Považská Art Gallery in Žilina or exhibitions in the East Slovak Gallery in Kosice.

Head of Studio:
Prof. PhDr. Peter Rónai, akad. mal.

Senior Lecturer:
Mgr. art. Svetlana Fialová, ArtD.
Mgr. art. Boris Sirka, ArtD.

Gallery Studio Works (show more)


  • Studio of Contemporary Painting

The Studio of Contemporary Painting is categorized as a painting studio in which the media used range from traditional visual means of cultural expression to modern digital approaches. Students spend the first two years of their study with sketching and painting exercises in figure painting in addition to other thematic assignments in the medium of painting. The studio offers students space in which to find and develop their individual themes or interests which can often take on a broader social character. Through working with materials students acquire necessary skills while reflecting their own working styles. They are encouraged to develop an awareness of and an orientation within the contexts of contemporary artistic discourse through visits to art events and by studying literature. During the bachelor’s study program in particular, students learn through their assignments to recognise methods such as mimetic depiction, abstract expressionism and painterly conceptualism, thereby allowing them to distinguish between essentialist and subversive approaches to art. Individual creativity is also encouraged when diversifying into and receiving input from other types of media.

Head of Studio:
doc. Mgr. art. Oto Hudec, ArtD.

Senior Lecturer:
Mgr. art. Eva Moflárová, ArtD.

Gallery Studio Works (show more)


  • Studio of 3D Free Creativity

Within the Studio of 3D Free Creativity, students’ research is directed towards deliberation and exploration of their surroundings, current social phenomena, or their own subjective reflection on themselves. The theoretical overview of students is enhanced through individual or collective presentations, joint discussions with invited artists, theorists and experts from other fields, and also through the study of literature relating to the fundamental issues of art and philosophy. In their individual master’s work, students are expected to present their own authorial program which will demonstrate their autonomous artistic thinking. This work also requires the mastery and fruits of the practical knowledge which has been developed during the course of study in a chosen medium, ranging from classical sculpture to conceptual projects and videos.

Senior Lecturer:
Mgr. art. Dávid Demjanovič, ArtD.
Mgr. art. Erik Sikora, ArtD
Mgr. art. Marián Straka, ArtD.

Technical Assistant:
Mgr. art. Michal Machciník, ArtD.

Gallery Studio Works (show more)


  • Studio of New Media

The strategies of the Studio of New Media are fully compatible with the discourse of contemporary media art and follow the latest trends in digital culture. Since 2003 the Studio has been developing an educational art program which is also influenced by its lively student body, thereby ensuring that it remains flexible and outgoing. Alumni of the study program are now active artists and teachers, and also organizers or curators of art events, and they have found success both on a national and international level. Our so-called “inter” age (the age of the internet, of interdisciplinary genres, etc.) places increased demands on the individual, and in this respect the Studio provides an up-to-date overview of the wide spectrum of postmedia and hybrid arts while offering experience of artistic and technological thinking. The main essence of the Studio is the adoption and development of different levels of media art works such as performance, action, found object, installation, digital interactive installations, interfaces, tinkering, and DIY, or typological genres of art such as video art, sound art, game art, and; in general, forms of participatory art placed in creative confrontation with other scientific disciplines (i.e. art&sci).

Over the course of the last decade, the work of the Studio’s students have been shown in exhibitions both at home and abroad, such as the DIGITAL MEDIA exhibition (Dom Umenia, Bratislava, 2010), the KEBABB biennial (Považie Art Gallery in Žilina), MASS Vol. 1-4 (DIG gallery, Košice, from 2016), Creative Playgrounds I & II (Kunsthalle, Košice, 2017),the independent Kotolňa art centre in Košice, and many others. Since 2011 the teaching staff of the Studio has been actively involved in projects to develop creative industries in Košice and the local region. Their activity, in combination with the presentations of the students and alumni of the Studio, has made a significant contribution to the city of Košice being awarded of the title of UNESCO Creative City of Media Arts in 2017.

Head of Studio in deputy:
doc. PaedDr. Mgr. art. Boris Vaitovič, ArtD.

Senior Lecturer:
doc. Mgr. art. Ing. Richard Kitta, ArtD.
MgA. Mgr. Lena Jakubčáková, PhD.
Mgr. art. Martin Kudla, ArtD.

Gallery Studio Works (show more)



Technická univerzita v Košiciach
Fakulta umení
Katedra výtvarných umení a intermédií
Watsonova 1561/4
042 00 Košice


Head of Department
doc. PaedDr. Mgr. art. Boris Vaitovič, ArtD.
Mgr. Marcela Fiľová