
January 2025


Naše skúsenosti sú ďalej, ako naše chápanie. Áno, je to zážitok, nie pochopenie, čo ovplyvňuje skúsenosť a správanie sa.

Marshall McLuhan

Department of Architecture


Teaching of architecture and urbanism is guaranteed by the Department of Architecture FU TUKE. Study is organized into two academic levels – I. level Bachelor and II. level Master. Teaching is arranged in studios: for the first three years the studio structure is organized horizontally, according to study year and typological form, while for the next three years it is arranged vertcaly in so-called Master Studios. The Architectural Studio is the basic component of the master’s study program. Students are taught to work with texts and information sources and to liaise with clients and local authorities, but also to consider the building plot and its surroundings.


Focus of Individual vertical Studios:


  • Studio I

Studio I aims to offer an organic approach to the solution of given tasks, so the assignments are drawn from the entire spectrum of potential problems: from the architectural concept, which should emerge from the natural characteristics of its surroundings as a logical component, to ensuring the provision of adequate detailing, since detail is a logical part of the whole and the whole is the logical sum of its quality detail. Emphasis is placed on following the tenets of sustainable development, especially on adhering to progressive ecological principles in the use of technical and material solutions. Adequate space is also provided for issues of rural development and the restoration of historic monuments. The studio also offers an environment for the preparation of tasks for architectural competitions, primarily for competitions organized for students.

Head of Studio:
prof. Ing. arch. Peter Pásztor, PhD.

Senior Lecturer:
Ing. arch. Martin Drahovský
Ing. arch. Lukáš Sečka, PhD.

Gallery Studio Works (show more)


  • Studio II

The Studio is a space for the formulation of answers which flow into sensation, message and shape. The goal of the studio is to reveal and to respond. The search is the means. Feeling is the motto. The crossing of barriers is the slogan. These processes result in architects placing themselves within the landscape, the village and the city through modelling assignments and national and international contemporary architectural competitions.

doc. Ing. Ján Kanócz, CSc.

Senior Lecturer:
Ing. arch. Tomáš Boroš, ArtD.
Ing. arch. Ján Sekan, PhD.

Gallery Studio Works (show more)


  • Studio III

The Vertical Studio allows an individual approach to students and maximizes study time, but it also offers students the possibility to familiarize themselves with the overall complexity of the creation of an architectural concept in all its phases under the guidance of the practising head of studio. This form of teaching simulates the ongoing creative process from the creation of urban structures to the design of architectural and interior detail. The studio is focused on more demanding assignments with the aim of developing the ability of students to create their own concepts with an emphasis on many different contexts (topographical, historical, regional, technological, and environmental). Students are guided towards a value system, which strives for a modern, more conservation-focused approach to our civilization, through processes such as the application of energy-saving concepts.

Head of Studio:
Ing. arch. Štefan Zahatňanský

Senior Lecturer:
Dr. Ing. arch. Ján Krcho, PhD.
Ing. arch. Ivan Rozdobuďko
Ing. arch. Jozef Skokan

Gallery Studio Works (show more)


  • Studio IV

The basic principle of the education process in the Studio is the formation of a well-rounded and versatile personality with professional expertise, creative ability and aesthetic qualities an individual whose work in professional practice can display a degree of cultural value which can compete not only on the Slovak level, but also on a wider international level. The teaching process reinforces and supports the founding philosophy of the Faculty of Arts: to develop the ability to integrate individual creative disciplines with the goal of reaching a new level of overall quality. A crucial element of this process is fostering communication and teamwork among students. The study program in the Studio has been selected in a way which allows students to learn all of the basic phases of architectural work; from town planning concepts to construction and interior design, with a particular focus on the creative aspect of the process.

Head of Studio:
Ing. arch. Irakli Eristavi

Senior Lecturer:
Ing. arch. Andrea Bočková, ArtD.
Ing. akad. arch. Karol Gregor
Ing. arch. Pavol Šilla

Gallery Studio Works (show more)


„RobLab“ laboratory - is focused on parametrical generative design and the robot-assisted production of spatial structures in the fields of architecture, design and visual arts, and employs the progressive teaching methodology known as“Teaching by Doing“. (show more)



Technická univerzita v Košiciach
Fakulta umení
Katedra architektúry
Watsonova 1561/4
042 00 Košice


Head of Department
doc. Ing. Ján Kanócz, CSc.
Ing. Anna Zaťková
RobLab Laboratory
Ing. arch. Michal Mihaľák